Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fruit of the Week: Guava berry

Name: Guava berry or "Guayaba Fresco"

Brand: Guayasol

Place of Purchase: HyVee Foods in Ames, Iowa

Country/Region of Origin: Mexico

Price in Iowa: 69-cents per fruit

Description: A tiny green plum, with white flesh and a cluster of tiny seeds in the center.

Flavor: Creamy and citrus flesh, with floral and spicy afternotes.

Aroma: A hint of citrus.

Texture/Mouth-feel: A snap in the skin, with creamy, high-pectin flesh.

Notes: This was a nice little fruit. I only bought one. There was a lot of flavor in the skin itself, but the creamy flesh underneath made me eat the whole thing. The seeds didn't add much to the flavor, but I just pushed them around to get at the meat of the fruit. I read that the folks down in Mexico turn these little guys into preserves and candies, due to the high pectin. They aren't very sweet, but the unique spicy flavor profile of this little fruit will knock you out. Wow!

1 comment:

  1. And they have 5 times more vitamin "C" than an Orange.
