Brand: Clawson
Place of Purchase: Ames British Foods in Ames, Iowa
Country/Region of Origin: Leicestershire, UK
Milk: pasteurized cow milk
Processing: Rennet is added, followed by annato, Penicillium added before aging 10-12 weeks.
Texture: soft
Color: orange with bleu veining
Rind: natural
Aroma: mild diary
Taste: Tangy, buttery
Mouth feel: creamy, not as crumbly/clingy as Stilton
Notes: I love Stilton. This often surprises people, since I have a serious allergy to penicillin, but when it comes to cheeses that just gives me a special mouth tingle. I have heard Blue Shropshire described as a "mild Stilton," but I think that is a simplistic assessment. Stilton is all bleu bloom and tangy. The Blue Shropshire has a milder bleu flavor, backed up with fruity and woody background tastes. It's also saltier than the Stilton. The Stilton spreads easier and melts nicer, but I think that the milder smelling Shropshire would work better in a cheese selection on the plate.