Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Cheese of the week: Gran Queso

Name: Sole Gran Queso

Place of Purchase: HyVee Foods in Ames, Iowa

Country of Origin: USA/Wisconsin (another delicious cheese from Roth Kase)

Price in Iowa: $10.99/lb.

Milk: pasteurized cow

Processing: Washed rind, aged six months

Texture: Firm

Color: creamy-gold

Rind: Natural, basket-weave

Aroma: Sweet dairy and caramel

Taste: warm umami, great sweet finish

Mouth feel: firm and buttery

Notes: Holy criminey, this is good cheese. I'm a big fan of manchego. I usually combine it with something fruity, like a tomato-based sauce/salsa or, well, fruit. This Sole Gran Queso has the rich flavor profile of manchego, but it also has a sweetness to it. The washed rind also adds different spice notes that manchego is lacking. Plus, Sole Gran Queso is firmer than manchego, it isn't as dry or crumbly, and it has a more creamy mouth feel. If you can find this cheese, and it is produced in limited batches, buy it. Shave it to add to pasta or enchiladas. Serve it over toast with tomato and basil. Or, slice it thicker and serve it with melon and grapes. No matter what, you won't be disappointed.

Unless you eat the rind. Don't do that. THAT was an error in judgement on my part.

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