Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cheese of the week: 1000 Day Gouda

Name: Tagen Dagan Gouda

Place of Purchase: Cub Foods in Ames, Iowa

Country of Origin: Holland imported by DCI Cheese Inc.

Price in Iowa: $19.99/lb.

Milk: cow

Processing: It's a Gouda, so the whey is boiled away, the curd is washed, and the soaked in brine. Then it's aged for 1000 days.

Texture: firm

Color: caramel

Rind: Wax

Aroma: mild dairy and nutty

Taste: Dry, very sharp and savory flavor. Warm, umami aftertaste.

Mouth feel: Full-bodied and very dry. Protein crystals formed by the aging process give the cheese a bit of a crunch.

Notes: I'm pretty sure that this is my most decadent cheese yet. Not only was it fairly pricey, it's processing took almost 3 years. It was worth it. Very view of the cheeses I've eaten so far have a recognizable aftertaste. This 1000 day gouda has two distinct flavor profiles, one up front, and one about 10 seconds after you put it in your mouth. The protein crystals might have something to do with that, as the very dry protein would take a few moments to become soluble in your mouth. This cheese is very dry and crumbly, so I suggest using a proper cheese cutter if you plan on presenting it on a cheese tray. Also, make the pieces fairly small, as this aged cheese packs a lot of flavor.

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