Name: Yang-Mei Juice (aka Yumberry Juice) Brand: Wei Chuan
Place of Purchase: Uni Mart, Ames, Iowa
Removal requested ()Restore requestedEdited Country/Region of Origin: China
Tasting Conditions: Chilled.
Price in Iowa: $2.29 for 17 oz.
Description: A garnet-colored juice.
Flavor: Dark cherry, cranberry, pomegranate flavors with a musky aftertaste
Mouth-feel: Sort of cloying, sticky
Aroma: Woody, flowery and cranberry notes
Notes: So I finally hit the Korean store and grabbed everything I could. And I do mean everything. I grabbed every juice, fruit and nut I could find in the store. So, I should be good for the next month or so. This week, I decided to do another juice. Yumberries are a new "superfruit" coming out of China. Supposedly, they have been cultivated for thousands of years. They look like a cross between a cherry and a raspberry, and they have a deep berry flavor without a strong sweetness. The bottle of juice that I had is 50% juice, which makes me sad. It also has added sugar and acid, so I'm not sure how much of the real flavor is coming through. But, it's an interesting and unique flavor. It might make a nice addition to a marinade. Plus it's full of vitamins and antioxidants, so it's good for you too.
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