Name: Litchi Juice Blend Brand: Ceres
Place of Purchase: Cub Foods, Ames, Iowa
Removal requested ()Restore requestedEdited Country/Region of Origin: The Ceres Valley in South Africa.
Tasting Conditions: Chilled,.
Price in Iowa: $4.99
Description: A golden yellow juice.
Flavor: A slight hint of pear and tart, with a long-lived flowery finish and a nutty aftertaste
Mouth-feel: Crisp and clean
Aroma: Peach and apricot
Notes: I have tried lychees before, but always canned or in candy. Canned lychees have a skunky flavor that covers up the nutty after notes. The natural sweetness is masked in the lychee candies I have eaten. This fruit juice blend is the closest I have gotten to unaltered lychee flavor. Now, it is a pear juice and lychee puree blend, so some of the pear flavors might be coming from the base juice. But there's nothing else in this product, and pear juice has a pretty neutral flavor (other than sweet). There are some drink recipes that use this juice (here's one for a lychee martini). I enjoyed this juice, mostly for it's gorgeous color.
I know a woman who makes the most delicious martinis I've ever had with lychee juice. If you ever have the chance to try them fresh, go for it. I have exactly once, in St. Louis of all places.