Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cheese of the week: Prairie Sunshine 2-year Cheddar

Name: Prairie Sunshine 2-year aged Cheddar (Limited Supply)

Place of PurchaseWheatsfield Organic Co-op in Ames, Iowa

Country of Origin: Milton, Iowa

Price in Iowa: $17.67/lb

Milk: pasteurized cow

Processing: Cheddar processing and two years of aging

Texture: semi-firm

Color: Pale yellow

Rind: natural

Aroma:Warm and nutty

Taste: Sparkling sweet, nutty, umami, sharp dairy

Mouth feel: a nice firm paste that turns creamy in your mouth, crunchy protein crystals have formed during the extended aging

Notes: I tried a sample of this cheese at the Co-op and it really reminded me of sunshine.  The mixture of sweet and sharp flavors exploded in my mouth.  That little sample cube was not enough, so I picked up a wedge.  The added protein crystal crunch rounded out the cheese with an amazing, electric mouth feel.  It has the paste of a sharp cheddar, but a more complex flavor profile.  It's not a Gouda, however, but an amalgam of the two cheeses.  This is a limited edition from Milton Farms.  It is not one of their typical stable of cheeses.  So, if you can't find it, give them a call and see when another batch will be ready.

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