Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Libation of the WEEK: Sidral Mundet

Name: Sidral Mundet

Brand: Novamex?

Place of Purchase: Cub Foods in Ames, Iowa


Country/Region of Origin: Hecho en Mexico

Tasting Conditions: Chilled.

Price in Iowa: $1.09 for 12 oz.

Description: a sparkling, amber-colored juice.

Flavors: Lip smacking red delicious apples

Mouth-feel: like soda pop, with a cloying apple aftertaste

Aroma: Apples

Notes: I've run out of fruits again, so I decided to raid the Mexican soda pop aisle. I've seen this product for years now, but part of me always wondered "WHY?" I mean, they have sparkling cider already. How is this any different.

Flavor. Intense, but natural, apple flavor. The first few swings of this beverage cold are like biting down on a Red Delicious or Macintosh apple: cold, crisp and sweet as summer. After you get past the initial burst, the apple flavors fade into the background, and it's mostly cold and sweet. Still, it's worth the price of admission for the first few draughts.

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