Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fruit of the Week: Golden Raspberries

Name: Organic Golden Raspberries

Brand: Driscoll's 

Place of Purchase: Wheatsfield Organic Co-op in Ames, Iowa

Country/Region of Origin: California
Price in Iowa: $2.39 for 6 ounces of fruit

Description: Pretty, yellow aggregate fruit

Flavor: Tart, not too sweet, strong berry flavor

Aroma: Not very fragrant

Texture/Mouth-feel: Organic fruits ripen quicker for some reason, so these berries were rather squishy.

Notes:These golden raspberries were tasty.  They weren't that sweet and has a stronger "raspberry" flavor.  Their true allure is their golden color, which makes them a nice contrast when mixed with red and black raspberries.  However, their stronger flavor and reduced sweetness actually makes them attractive for jam-making.

Too bad they're so darned pricey.  The cultivar that produces the golden berries is owned by a single company, so they are only grown in the US and only available seasonally.  Which isn't a bad thing, but limits the availability of these tart jewels.  Which is another factor that lends to preserving this fruit.

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