Name: Lychee
Brand: God made these
Place of Purchase: Laotian Festival in Des Moines, Iowa
Country/Region of Origin: Florida
Price in Iowa: $2.50 per pound
Description: Spikey, red and yellow-green ovoid fruits with a translucent, "dragon eye-style" drupe
Flavor: roses and peaches, with a lingering musky aftertaste
Aroma: peaches and roses
Texture/Mouth-feel: Firm, chewy, juicy
So, I let them sit overnight and cracked into them the next day. The flavor was stronger than the juice. I hadn't noticed the peach flavors in the juice. It was just rosy and musky. Could I eat a million of these fruits? No, probably not. But I could subsist on them as my sole source of sweetness.
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