Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cheese of the week: Tomme de Savoie

Name: Tomme de Savoie

Brand: Fromagerie Edouard Conus

Place of Purchase: Wheatsfield Organic Co-op in Ames, Iowa

Country/Region of Origin: France

Price in Iowa: $14.92/lb.

:  unpasteurized skim, typically from winter milkings

: at least one month of aging, a brown crust insures at least 6 months of aging

: semi-soft

: straw

: brownish and dusty

: mild dairy

: bitter, sour, shockingly piquant, meaty, nutty

Mouth feel
: firm and unyielding, smooth
Notes: This simple cheese has an amazingly complex flavor.  It starts strong, tart and piquant, and eventually mellows into meaty and nutty tones.  Amazingly delicious.  The Cheese Primer warns to only buy cheeses produced in Savoy.  Apparently, some cheeses are made elsewhere and then sent to Savoy for aging.  With the simplicity of this cheese, it is probably best to look for authenticity.  That way you're sure to have the most accurate flavor.  So, avoid affinie en Savoie.  

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