Brand: Bambina from Roth Kase
Place of Purchase: HyVee in Ames, Iowa
Country/Region of Origin: USA/Wisconsin
Milk: pasteurized cow'smilk
Processing: There are some very specific processing requirements for true Italian fontina. Raw milk taken from a single Alpine cow in a single milking, rennet added, the milk is warmed. The curd is pressed into molds and aged for three months in caves, with the cheese being salted and brushed every other day, respectively. I don't think that the cheesemakers at Roth Kase follow this protocol.
Texture: Elastic and Semi-firm
Color: golden cream
Rind: Washed
Aroma: strong, sweaty dairy smell
Taste: mild dairy, with a nutty aftertaste
Mouth feel: supple and buttery
Notes:I've had Danish Fontina before. It's softer, paler, milder in flavor and MUCH milder in aroma. The Italian Fontina is a stinky cheese with a wonderful flavor that is chewy and buttery at the same time. The Danish Fontina is a plain-tasting cheese that melts like butter in hot sandwiches. The Italian-style has a bite, and still melts like a dream. Whether you're going to add it to a cheese tray or melt it on your turkey club, this is a good cheese.